Matbea API 2.0 is designed to receive information about cryptocurrency transactions, address balances and their owners. The document presents a methods of Matbea API 2.0, describes the queries parameters and return values. Examples of calling API methods using curl, PHP, and JS (fetch) are given.
HTTP request example[]=VALUE&token=YOUR_TOKEN
Query Parameters:
Parameter | Description |
CURRENCY | Currency type - btc, dash, ltc or zec |
METHOD | Name of method |
VALUE , YOUR_TOKEN | Request parameters |
Currency supported
Label | Currency |
btc | Bitcooin |
dash | Dash |
ltc | Litecoin |
zec | Zcash |
Arrays can be transmitted using the GET and POST methods. Request parameters that are not arrays are only passed in a GET string.
Example response to the request
"error": {},
"result": {
"field 1": " ... ",
"field 2": 12345,
"field 3": []
Response data is returned as json format.
The response data contains the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
error | array | Empty result array |
result | array | Array is contain response data |
Error requests
Example response to the request if the parameters is incorrect
"error": {
"code": 1,
"message": "Transactions are not specified"
"result": {}
Response to the request if the token parameter is missing
"error": {
"code": 401,
"message": "no token passed"
"result": {}
Response to the request if the token is empty or incorrect
"error": {
"code": 401,
"message": "Incorrect token"
"result": {}
If the request is incorrect, an error message is returned.
The error information contains the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
error | array | Array is contain error code and next message |
result | array | Empty result array |
code | integer | Error code |
message | string | Error message |
Get informations by addresses
Get balance with 50 confirmations of two addresses. Addresses are transmitted by GET method.
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" "[]=1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7&address[]=1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz&confirmations=50&token=YOUR_TOKEN"
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$ADDR1 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
$ADDR2 = '1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/confirmedBalance?' .
'address[]=' . $ADDR1 . '&address[]=' . $ADDR2 .
'&confirmations=' . $CONFIRMATIONS . '&token=' . $TOKEN;
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
ADDR1 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
ADDR2 = '1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/confirmedBalance?address[]=' + ADDR1 + '&address[]=' + ADDR2 + '&confirmations=' + CONFIRMATIONS + '&token=' + TOKEN;
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function (data) {
The method returns information about the balance of the specified address / addresses for a given number of confirmations.
HTTP request[]=VALUE&confirmations=VALUE
Query parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description | Request |
CURRENCY | string | - | Currency type - btc, dash, ltc or zec | URI |
address | string | - | The address or array of addresses for which information is requested. Addresses are passed as array | URI, POST |
confirmations | integer | 1 | The number of confirmations. If the parameter is not passed, then confirmations is assumed default | URI |
Response example
"error": {},
"result": {
"balances": [
"address": "1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7",
"balance": 6500
"address": "1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz",
"balance": 5500
"confirmations": 50
The query result is returned as json format.
Information on the confirmed balance is represented by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
address | string | Requested address |
balance | integer | Confirmed balance of the requested address |
confirmations | integer | Number of confirmations |
If the request contains an invalid address or an address that was not used in transactions, then the contents of the balances array will be empty:
Example of empty result
"error": {},
"result": {
"balances": []
Other examples
Get balance with 50 confirmations of two addresses. Addresses are transmitted by POST method
curl -g -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"address\":[\"1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7\",\"1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz\"]}" ""
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$ADDR1 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
$ADDR2 = '1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/confirmedBalance?confirmations=' . $CONFIRMATIONS . '&token=' . $TOKEN;
$POSTparam = ['address'=>[$ADDR1, $ADDR2]];
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($POSTparam));
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
ADDR1 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
ADDR2 = '1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/confirmedBalance?confirmations=' + CONFIRMATIONS + '&token=' + TOKEN;
fetch(url, {
method: 'post',
body: JSON.stringify({address: [ADDR1, ADDR2] }) })
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function (data) {
"error": {},
"result": {
"balances": [
"address": "1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7",
"balance": 6500
"address": "1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz",
"balance": 5500
"confirmations": 50
Get balance of one address. The address is transmitted by GET method
curl -g -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" "[]=1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7&token=YOUR_TOKEN"
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$ADDR1 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY .
'/confirmedBalance?address[]=' . $ADDR1 . '&token=' . $TOKEN;
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
ADDR1 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/confirmedBalance?address[]=' + ADDR1 + '&token=' + TOKEN;
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function (data) {
"error": {},
"result": {
"balances": [
"address": "1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7",
"balance": 6500
"confirmations": 1
Request code examples
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" "[]=1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7&address[]=1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz&token=YOUR_TOKEN"
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$ADDR1 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
$ADDR2 = '1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/unconfirmedBalance?' .
'address[]=' . $ADDR1 . '&address[]=' . $ADDR2 . '&token=' . $TOKEN;
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
ADDR1 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
ADDR2 = '1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/unconfirmedBalance?address[]=' + ADDR1 + '&address[]=' + ADDR2 + '&token=' + TOKEN;
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function (data) {
The method returns unconfirmed balance of the specified address / addresses.
HTTP request[]=VALUE
Query parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description | Request |
CURRENCY | string | - | Currency type - btc, dash, ltc or zec | URI |
address | string | - | The address or array of addresses for which information is requested. Addresses are passed as array | URI, POST |
Response example
"error": {},
"result": {
"balances": [
"address": "1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7",
"balance": 0
"address": "1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz",
"balance": 0
The query result is returned as json format.
Information of the uconfirmed balance is represented by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
address | string | Requested address |
balance | integer | Uncofirmed balance of the requested address |
If the request contains an invalid address or an address that was not used in transactions, then the contents of the balances array will be empty:
Example of empty result
"error": {},
"result": {
"balances": []
Example POST request
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"address\":[\"1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7\",\"1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz\"]}" ""
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$ADDR1 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
$ADDR2 = '1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/unconfirmedBalance?token=' . $TOKEN;
$POSTparam=['address'=>[$ADDR1, $ADDR2]];
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($POSTparam));
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
ADDR1 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
ADDR2 = '1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/unconfirmedBalance?token=' + TOKEN;
fetch(url, {
method: 'post',
body: JSON.stringify({address: [ADDR1, ADDR2] }) })
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function (data) {
"error": {},
"result": {
"balances": [
"address": "1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7",
"balance": 0
"address": "1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz",
"balance": 0
Request code examples
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" "[]=1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7&address[]=1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz&token=YOUR_TOKEN"
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$ADDR1 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
$ADDR2 = '1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY .
'/countTransactions?address[]=' . $ADDR1 .
'&address[]=' . $ADDR2 . '&token='.$TOKEN;
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
ADDR1 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
ADDR2 = '1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/countTransactions?address[]=' + ADDR1 + '&address[]=' + ADDR2 + '&token=' + TOKEN;
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function (data) {
The method returns information about the inclusion of address/addresses in the list of confirmed/unconfirmed transactions.
HTTP request[]=VALUE&confirmed=VALUE
Query parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description | Request |
CURRENCY | string | - | Currency type - btc, dash, ltc or zec | URI |
address | string | - | Address or array of addresses for which information is requested | URI, POST |
confirmed | boolean | - | true - address search in confirmed transactions, false - address search in unconfirmed transactions. If the parameter is not set to search in all transactions | URI |
Response example
"error": {},
"result": {
"addresses": [
"1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7": true
"confirmed": true
The query result is returned as json format. Response are consists by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
addresses | array | Array of searching result |
ADDRESS | string | Requested address |
VALUE | boolean | true - address found, false - address not found |
confirmed | boolean | Search mode, set by 'confirmed' parameter |
If the request contains an invalid address or an address that was not used in transactions, the contents of the addresses array will be empty
"error": {},
"result": {
"addresses": []
Get information about two addresses, do search in confirmed and unconfirmed transactions. Addresses are transmitted using the GET method
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" "[]=1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7&address[]=1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz&token=YOUR_TOKEN"
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$ADDR1 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
$ADDR2 = '1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY .
'/countTransactions?address[]=' . $ADDR1 .
'&address[]=' . $ADDR2 . '&token=' . $TOKEN;
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
ADDR1 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
ADDR2 = '1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/countTransactions?address[]=' + ADDR1 + '&address[]=' + ADDR2 + '&token=' + TOKEN;
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function (data) {
Response example
"error": {},
"result": {
"addresses": [
"1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7": true
"1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz": true
Get information about two addresses with a search in confirmed transactions. Addresses are transmitted using the GET method
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" "[]=1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7&address[]=1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz&confirmed=true&token=YOUR_TOKEN"
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$ADDR1 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
$ADDR2 = '1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz';
$CONFIRMED = 'true';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/countTransactions?address[]=' . $ADDR1 . '&address[]=' . $ADDR2 . '&confirmed=' . $CONFIRMED . '&token=' . $TOKEN;
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
ADDR1 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
ADDR2 = '1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz';
CONFIRMED = 'true';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/countTransactions?address[]=' + ADDR1 + '&address[]=' + ADDR2 + '&confirmed=' + CONFIRMED + '&token=' + TOKEN;
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function (data) {
Response example
"error": {},
"result": {
"addresses": [
"1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7": true
"1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz": true
"confirmed": true
Get information about two addresses, do search in confirmed and unconfirmed transactions. Addresses are transmitted using the POST method
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"address\":[\"1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7\",\"1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz\"]}" ""
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$ADDR1 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
$ADDR2 = '1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz';
$CONFIRMED = 'false';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/countTransactions?confirmed=' . $CONFIRMED . '&token=' . $TOKEN;
$POSTparam=['address'=>[$ADDR1, $ADDR2]];
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($POSTparam));
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
ADDR1 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
ADDR2 = '1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz';
CONFIRMED = 'false';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/countTransactions?confirmed=' + CONFIRMED + '&token=' + TOKEN;
fetch(url, {
method: 'post',
body: JSON.stringify({address: [ADDR1, ADDR2] }) })
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function (data) {
Response example
"error": {},
"result": {
"addresses": [
"1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7": false
"1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz": false
"confirmed": false
Request code examples
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" "[]=1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7&address[]=1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz&confirmations=50&token=YOUR_TOKEN"
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$ADDR1 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
$ADDR2 = '1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/unspentConfirmed?address[]=' . $ADDR1 .'&address[]=' . $ADDR2 .'&confirmations=' . $CONFIRMATIONS . '&token=' . $TOKEN;
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
ADDR1 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
ADDR2 = '1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/unspentConfirmed?address[]=' + ADDR1 + '&address[]=' + ADDR2 + '&confirmations=' + CONFIRMATIONS + '&token=' + TOKEN;
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function (data) {
The method returns information about the confirmed balance of the specified address / addresses.
HTTP request[]=VALUE&confirmations=VALUE
Query parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description | Request |
CURRENCY | string | - | Currency type - btc, dash, ltc or zec | URI |
address | string | - | Array of addresses for which information is requested | URI, POST |
confirmations | integer | 1 | Number of confirmations | URI |
Response example
"error": {},
"result": {
"confirmations": 50,
"outputs": [
"address": "1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7",
"unspent": [
"amount": 5500,
"block_height": 456429,
"confirmations": 49751,
"confirmed": 1489052276,
"tx_hash": "97c078f4b762bc0027a4405fb73d6b029c2deddc80e3465e5951503536d65965",
"vout": 0
"amount": 1000,
"block_height": 492803,
"confirmations": 13377,
"confirmed": 1509630924,
"tx_hash": "e3994bf9556d70a7a402aae3ed62e6c427f2bd881a06f841f262596dc64b78cb",
"vout": 0
"address": "1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz",
"unspent": [
"amount": 5500,
"block_height": 450229,
"confirmations": 55951,
"confirmed": 1485507176,
"tx_hash": "d637117f6ccfbbc147a2bcfa0b492b273e3462d1ed8db3521a0967f0abecea27",
"vout": 0
Empty outputs
"error": {},
"result": {
"confirmations": 1,
"outputs": []
The query result is returned as json format. Response are consists by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
confirmations | integer | Number of confirmations |
outputs | array | Array with address and confirmed balance |
Array outputs are consists by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
address | string | Requested address |
unspent | array | Array with data on confirmed unspent outputs |
Array unspent are consists by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
amount | integer | Funds |
block_height | integer | Block height |
confirmations | integer | Number of confirmations |
confirmed | integer | Confirmation UNIX timestamp |
tx_hash | string | The hash of the input transaction |
vout | integer | Output number |
If the request contains an invalid address or an address that was not used in transactions, the contents of the outputs array will be empty.
Get information about confirmed unspent funds for two addresses with 50 confirmations. Addresses are transmitted by the GET method
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" "[]=1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7&address[]=1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz&confirmations=50&token=YOUR_TOKEN"
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$ADDR1 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
$ADDR2 = '1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/unspentConfirmed?address[]=' . $ADDR1 . '&address[]=' . $ADDR2 . '&confirmations=' . $CONFIRMATIONS . '&token=' . $TOKEN;
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
ADDR1 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
ADDR2 = '1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/unspentConfirmed?address[]=' + ADDR1 + '&address[]=' + ADDR2 + '&confirmations=' + CONFIRMATIONS + '&token=' + TOKEN;
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function (data) {
Response example
"error": {},
"result": {
"confirmations": 50,
"outputs": [
"address": "1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7",
"unspent": [
"amount": 5500,
"block_height": 456429,
"confirmations": 49751,
"confirmed": 1489052276,
"tx_hash": "97c078f4b762bc0027a4405fb73d6b029c2deddc80e3465e5951503536d65965",
"vout": 0
"amount": 1000,
"block_height": 492803,
"confirmations": 13377,
"confirmed": 1509630924,
"tx_hash": "e3994bf9556d70a7a402aae3ed62e6c427f2bd881a06f841f262596dc64b78cb",
"vout": 0
"address": "1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz",
"unspent": [
"amount": 5500,
"block_height": 450229,
"confirmations": 55951,
"confirmed": 1485507176,
"tx_hash": "d637117f6ccfbbc147a2bcfa0b492b273e3462d1ed8db3521a0967f0abecea27",
"vout": 0
Get information about confirmed unspent funds for two addresses with 50 confirmations. Addresses are transmitted by the POST method
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"address\":[\"1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7\",\"1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz\"]}" ""
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$ADDR1 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
$ADDR2 = '1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/unspentConfirmed?confirmations=' . $CONFIRMATIONS . '&token='.$TOKEN;
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($POSTparam));
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
ADDR1 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
ADDR2 = '1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/unspentConfirmed?confirmations=' + CONFIRMATIONS + '&token=' + TOKEN;
fetch(url, {
method: 'post',
body: JSON.stringify({address: [ADDR1, ADDR2] }) })
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function (data) {
Response example
"error": {},
"result": {
"confirmations": 50,
"outputs": [
"address": "1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7",
"unspent": [
"amount": 5500,
"block_height": 456429,
"confirmations": 49751,
"confirmed": 1489052276,
"tx_hash": "97c078f4b762bc0027a4405fb73d6b029c2deddc80e3465e5951503536d65965",
"vout": 0
"amount": 1000,
"block_height": 492803,
"confirmations": 13377,
"confirmed": 1509630924,
"tx_hash": "e3994bf9556d70a7a402aae3ed62e6c427f2bd881a06f841f262596dc64b78cb",
"vout": 0
"address": "1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz",
"unspent": [
"amount": 5500,
"block_height": 450229,
"confirmations": 55951,
"confirmed": 1485507176,
"tx_hash": "d637117f6ccfbbc147a2bcfa0b492b273e3462d1ed8db3521a0967f0abecea27",
"vout": 0
Get information about confirmed unspent funds for a single address without specifying the number of confirmations. The address is passed by the POST method
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"address\":\"1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7\"}" ""
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$ADDR1 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/unspentConfirmed?token=' . $TOKEN;
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($POSTparam));
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
ADDR1 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
url = ''+ CURRENCY + '/unspentConfirmed?token=' + TOKEN;
fetch(url, {
method: 'post',
body: JSON.stringify({address: ADDR1}) })
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function (data) {
Response example
"error": {},
"result": {
"confirmations": 1,
"outputs": [
"address": "1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7",
"unspent": [
"amount": 5500,
"block_height": 456429,
"confirmations": 49751,
"confirmed": 1489052276,
"tx_hash": "97c078f4b762bc0027a4405fb73d6b029c2deddc80e3465e5951503536d65965",
"vout": 0
"amount": 1000,
"block_height": 492803,
"confirmations": 13377,
"confirmed": 1509630924,
"tx_hash": "e3994bf9556d70a7a402aae3ed62e6c427f2bd881a06f841f262596dc64b78cb",
"vout": 0
Request code examples
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" "[]=1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7&address[]=1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz&token=YOUR_TOKEN"
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$ADDR1 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
$ADDR2 = '1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/unspentUnconfirmed?address[]=' . $ADDR1 . '&address[]=' . $ADDR2 . '&token=' . $TOKEN;
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
ADDR1 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
ADDR2 = '1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/unspentUnconfirmed?address[]=' + ADDR1 + '&address[]=' + ADDR2 + '&token=' + TOKEN;
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function (data) {
The method returns information about the unconfirmed balance of the specified address / addresses.
HTTP request[]=VALUE
Query parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description | Request |
CURRENCY | string | - | Currency type - btc, dash, ltc or zec | URI |
address | string | - | Array of addresses for which information is requested | URI, POST |
Response example if the specified address not has unconfirmed unspent funds
"error": {},
"result": {
"outputs": [
"address": "1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7",
"unspent": []
"address": "1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz",
"unspent": []
Response example if the specified address has unconfirmed unspent funds
"error": {},
"result": {
"outputs": [
"address": "1GNSokHELdoxaXfUfhQqkqz3j9NkxtMcYB",
"unspent": [
"amount": 263077,
"double_spend": true,
"time": 1513515545,
"tx_hash": "638f27cf5874de68a062c81793bb004aa66550e0015ab819ae8530f99af95d46",
"vout": 0
The query result is returned as json format. Response are consists by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
address | string | Requested address |
unspent | array | An array of data about the unconfirmed unspent balance of the requested address |
If the specified address has unconfirmed unspent funds the array of "unspent" are consists the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
amount | integer | Amount of funds |
double_spend | boolean | The flag of double spending |
time | integer | Transaction timestamp |
tx_hash | string | The hash of the input transaction |
vout | integer | Output number |
Otherwise, the "unspent" array is empty.
If the request contains an invalid address or an address that was not used in transactions, the contents of the outputs array will be empty.
Empty outputs
"error": {},
"result": {
"outputs": []
Request example for getting unconfirmed unspent funds for two addresses with 50 confirmations. Addresses are transmitted by POST method
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"address\":[\"1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7\",\"1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz\"]}" ""
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$ADDR1 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
$ADDR2 = '1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/unspentUnconfirmed?token=' . $TOKEN;
$POSTparam=['address'=>[$ADDR1, $ADDR2]];
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($POSTparam));
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
ADDR1 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
ADDR2 = '1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/unspentUnconfirmed?token=' + TOKEN;
fetch(url, {
method: 'post',
body: JSON.stringify({address: [ADDR1, ADDR2] }) })
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function (data) {
Response example
"error": {},
"result": {
"outputs": [
"address": "1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7",
"unspent": []
"address": "1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz",
"unspent": []
Request code examples
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" ""
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$LIMIT = 2;
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/address/' . $ADDRESSHASH .
'/transactions?limit=' . $LIMIT . '&holder_data=' . $HOLDERDATA . '&token=' . $TOKEN;
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
LIMIT = 2;
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/address/' + ADDRESSHASH + '/transactions?limit=' + LIMIT + '&holder_data=' + HOLDERDATA + '&token=' + TOKEN;
.then((response) => {
return response.json();
}).then((data) => {
The method returns transaction information to the specified address.
HTTP request
Query parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description | Request |
CURRENCY | string | - | Currency type - btc, dash, ltc or zec | URI |
ADDRESSHASH | string | - | Address for which information on transactions is requested | URI |
holder_data | integer | 0 | Displaying information about the owner of the address. The accepted values are 1 or 0 | URI |
limit | integer | 10 | The number of transactions displayed at page | URI |
starttxid | string | - | A hash of the transaction after which the result is displayed. Optional parameter | URI |
type | string | all | Type of transactions displayed. The accepted values are "all", "in" or "out". all - Transactions in which there were receipts or expenditures of funds at a given address in - transactions in which funds arrived at a given address out - transactions in which funds were spent from a given address | URI |
The query result is returned as json format:
"error": {},
"result": {
"address": "12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy",
"holder": {
"holder_address_count": 1,
"holder_name": "MyNameIs12S4",
"holder_rootaddress": "12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy"
"per_page": 2,
"total": 10,
"transactions": [
"block_hash": "0000000000000000005dbb38b1f39af707bb28425c2db6d1a11c7ceab80ee5b9",
"block_height": 504885,
"block_time": 1516307736,
"coinbase": false,
"confirmations": 3954,
"double_spend": false,
"hash": "5c838a768bc339f12fe59786850f87410281559f6209512756df04b776f1d814",
"lock_time": 0,
"num_in_block": 831,
"size": 191,
"time": 1516300600,
"txin": [
"addresses": [
"holder_address_count": 1,
"holder_name": "MyNameIs12S4",
"holder_rootaddress": "12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy",
"n": 0,
"output_block_height": 504885,
"output_txid": "cbf1bba98082f23889f79364ae146b6cbbfb1767a20c0e2bc210fee43561ee1d",
"script_type": "pubkeyhash",
"value": 1000000,
"vout": 1
"txout": [
"addresses": [
"holder_address_count": 110616,
"holder_name": "",
"holder_rootaddress": "13CNH2fnCDNXSJgNLqScqn1ZA1BBxdwyAC",
"input_n": 42,
"input_tx_block_height": 505424,
"input_txid": "90e98fb67e730748bd16f862b3a17b7c2fca86354c5421652b89f36300ff1c36",
"script_type": "pubkeyhash",
"value": 968715,
"vout": 0
"block_hash": "0000000000000000007ed574c66a420d7e8d504f28a6492523bff8c0ea7a6f68",
"block_height": 497334,
"block_time": 1512291088,
"coinbase": false,
"confirmations": 11505,
"double_spend": false,
"hash": "7722cee32dde81a29d4940d28b178b0914e7e8ac5ee52547538e954f4f5ee71a",
"lock_time": 0,
"num_in_block": 340,
"size": 192,
"time": 1512290943,
"txin": [
"addresses": [
"holder_address_count": 1,
"holder_name": "",
"holder_rootaddress": "1FGaCR3k9B8ZifGc8FWcYY5yS7FXZgbMFF",
"n": 0,
"output_block_height": 497334,
"output_txid": "5ce44e0c7083277402f81ef7192c80a09186bd3416e76c6631c9ad60e06a6778",
"script_type": "pubkeyhash",
"value": 25476,
"vout": 1
"txout": [
"addresses": [
"holder_address_count": 1,
"holder_name": "MyNameIs12S4",
"holder_rootaddress": "12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy",
"input_n": null,
"input_tx_block_height": null,
"input_txid": null,
"script_type": "pubkeyhash",
"value": 5500,
"vout": 0
"type": "all"
Response is represented by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
address | string | Address |
holder | array | Address owner Information. If the holder_data parameter is not specified or is equal to 0, then the holder array is absent as a result |
starttxid | string | The hash of the transaction after which to display data |
per_page | integer | Number of transactions per page |
total | integer | Total transactions |
transactions | array | Transactions information |
type | string | Type of transactions displayed |
Array transactions are consists information about each transaction and is represented by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
block_hash | string | Block hash |
block_height | integer | Block height |
block_time | integer | Block creation time |
coinbase | boolean | Mark of a coinbase transaction |
confirmations | integer | Number of transaction confirmations |
double_spend | boolean | Mark of double spending |
hash | string | Transaction hash |
lock_time | integer | Block height or time at which the transaction will be unlocked 0 transaction not blocked <500000000 Block number on which this transaction will be unlocked =500000000 UNIX timestamp in which this transaction will be unlocked A transaction cannot be added to a block before lock_time |
num_in_block | integer | Block transaction number |
size | integer | Block size |
time | integer | Transaction creation time |
txin | array | Array of input |
txout | array | array of output |
Array txin are consists by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
addresses | array | Array of addresses. Array element type - string |
holder_name | string | Name of the owner of the address / addresses used in this input |
holder_address_count | integer | The number of addresses for this owner |
holder_rootaddress | string | Owner primary address |
n | integer | Transaction input number |
output_block_height | integer | Transaction block height |
output_txid | string | The hash of the transaction where the spent output is created |
script_type | string | Signature type |
value | integer | The amount of funds at this input |
vout | integer | The output number where the funds were spent |
Array txout are consists by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
addresses | array | Array of addresses to which funds are transferred |
holder_name | string | Name of the owner of the address / addresses used in this output |
holder_address_count | integer | The number of addresses this owner |
holder_rootaddress | string | Owner primary address |
input_n | integer | The input number of the transaction in which the current output is spent |
input_tx_block_height | integer | Transaction block height at which current output is spent |
input_txid | string | The hash of the transaction in which the current output is spent |
script_type | string | Signature type |
value | integer | The amount of funds at this output |
vout | integer | The output number |
Empty transactions array
"error": {},
"result": {
"address": "2BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz",
"per_page": 2,
"total": 0,
"transactions": [],
"type": "all"
Get information about transactions with data on owners, indicating the starting hash from which data is output and filtering by input transactions. Number of transactions displayed 2:
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" ""
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$LIMIT = 2;
$STARTTXID = '7722cee32dde81a29d4940d28b178b0914e7e8ac5ee52547538e954f4f5ee71a';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/address/' . $ADDRESSHASH . '/transactions?limit=' . $LIMIT . '&holder_data=' . $HOLDERDATA . '&type=' . $TYPE . '&starttxid=' . $STARTTXID . '&token='. $TOKEN;
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
hash1 = '7722cee32dde81a29d4940d28b178b0914e7e8ac5ee52547538e954f4f5ee71a';
CURRENCY = 'btc';
LIMIT = 2;
STARTTXID = '7722cee32dde81a29d4940d28b178b0914e7e8ac5ee52547538e954f4f5ee71a';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/address/' + ADDRESSHASH + '/transactions?limit=' + LIMIT + '&holder_data=' + HOLDERDATA + '&type=' + TYPE + '&starttxid=' + STARTTXID + '&token=' + TOKEN;
.then((response) => {
return response.json();
}).then((data) => {
Response example
"error": {},
"result": {
"address": "12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy",
"holder": {
"holder_address_count": 1,
"holder_name": "MyNameIs12S4",
"holder_rootaddress": "12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy"
"per_page": 2,
"starttxid": "7722cee32dde81a29d4940d28b178b0914e7e8ac5ee52547538e954f4f5ee71a",
"total": 10,
"transactions": [
"block_hash": "0000000000000000007c225ae8af1286e6fe2bb448c7202e0af0ddd974f1a62f",
"block_height": 493899,
"block_time": 1510311879,
"coinbase": false,
"confirmations": 14943,
"double_spend": false,
"hash": "cbf1bba98082f23889f79364ae146b6cbbfb1767a20c0e2bc210fee43561ee1d",
"lock_time": 0,
"num_in_block": 127,
"size": 223,
"time": 1510311484,
"txin": [
"addresses": [
"holder_address_count": 1,
"holder_name": "MyNameIs12S4",
"holder_rootaddress": "12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy",
"n": 0,
"output_block_height": 493899,
"output_txid": "d1789305f1ae4a39c045e0c67a024048cda0990297dc863e4caac546c6c32b86",
"script_type": "pubkeyhash",
"value": 1102678,
"vout": 1
"txout": [
"addresses": [
"holder_address_count": null,
"holder_name": "",
"holder_rootaddress": null,
"input_n": null,
"input_tx_block_height": null,
"input_txid": null,
"script_type": "scripthash",
"value": 5500,
"vout": 0
"addresses": [
"holder_address_count": 1,
"holder_name": "MyNameIs12S4",
"holder_rootaddress": "12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy",
"input_n": 0,
"input_tx_block_height": 504885,
"input_txid": "5c838a768bc339f12fe59786850f87410281559f6209512756df04b776f1d814",
"script_type": "pubkeyhash",
"value": 1000000,
"vout": 1
"block_hash": "00000000000000000060db556b634305ee64e542810a5ac1f2d174294a738ca3",
"block_height": 493897,
"block_time": 1510310573,
"coinbase": false,
"confirmations": 14945,
"double_spend": false,
"hash": "d1789305f1ae4a39c045e0c67a024048cda0990297dc863e4caac546c6c32b86",
"lock_time": 0,
"num_in_block": 355,
"size": 223,
"time": 1510309760,
"txin": [
"addresses": [
"holder_address_count": 1,
"holder_name": "MyNameIs12S4",
"holder_rootaddress": "12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy",
"n": 0,
"output_block_height": 493897,
"output_txid": "4989efcec28faedc86ee309a0cb1ba1319987d5c214fcb39d709538576e79342",
"script_type": "pubkeyhash",
"value": 1179178,
"vout": 1
"txout": [
"addresses": [
"holder_address_count": null,
"holder_name": "",
"holder_rootaddress": null,
"input_n": null,
"input_tx_block_height": null,
"input_txid": null,
"script_type": "scripthash",
"value": 5500,
"vout": 0
"addresses": [
"holder_address_count": 1,
"holder_name": "MyNameIs12S4",
"holder_rootaddress": "12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy",
"input_n": 0,
"input_tx_block_height": 493899,
"input_txid": "cbf1bba98082f23889f79364ae146b6cbbfb1767a20c0e2bc210fee43561ee1d",
"script_type": "pubkeyhash",
"value": 1102678,
"vout": 1
"type": "in"
Array holder are consists by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
holder_address_count | integer | The number of addresses owned by the owner of the requested address |
holder_name | string | Owners name |
holder_rootaddress | string | Owner primary address |
If the request contains an invalid address or an address that was not used in transactions, the contents of the transactions array will be empty.
Get informations by pubkey
Request code examples
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" ""
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$PUBKEY = 'xpub6CUGRUonZSQ4TWtTMmzXdrXDtypWKiKrhko4egpiMZbpiaQL2jkwSB1icqYh2cfDfVxdx4df189oLKnC5fSwqPfgyP3hooxujYzAu3fDVmz';
$url = ''. $CURRENCY . '/hdwallet/dumpxpub?pubkey=' . $PUBKEY .
'&include_balance=' . $INCLUDEBALANCE .
'&include_addresses=' . $INCLUDEADDRESSES .
'&confirmations=' . $CONFIRMATIONS .
'&token=' . $TOKEN;
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
PUBKEY = 'xpub6CUGRUonZSQ4TWtTMmzXdrXDtypWKiKrhko4egpiMZbpiaQL2jkwSB1icqYh2cfDfVxdx4df189oLKnC5fSwqPfgyP3hooxujYzAu3fDVmz';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/hdwallet/dumpxpub?pubkey=' + PUBKEY + '&include_balance=' + INCLUDEBALANCE + '&include_addresses=' + INCLUDEADDRESSES + '&confirmations=' + CONFIRMATIONS + '&token=' + TOKEN;
.then((response) => {
return response.json();
}).then((data) => {
Returns information about the balance and addresses that were used in transactions specified by xpub or ypub.
HTTP request
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description | Request |
CURRENCY | string | - | Currency type - btc, dash, ltc or zec | URI |
pubkey | string | - | The xpub or ypub key for which information is requested | URI |
include_balance | integer | 0 | Include balance information. Accepted values: 1 - include, or 0 - do not include | URI |
include_addresses | integer | 0 | Include the addresses that were used in transactions. Accepted values: 1 - include, or 0 - do not include | URI |
gap | integer | 20 | Addresses gap range. Accepted values in range 1 - 10000 | URI |
confirmations | integer | - | The number of confirmations for calculating the balance | URI |
Response example
"error": {},
"result": {
"addresses": [
"address": "1EfgV2Hr5CDjXPavHDpDMjmU33BA2veHy6",
"derivationPath": "m/0/0"
"address": "12iNxzdF6KFZ14UyRTYCRuptxkKSSVHzqF",
"derivationPath": "m/0/1"
"address": "1CcEugXu9Yf9Qw5cpB8gHUK4X9683WyghM",
"derivationPath": "m/0/2"
"address": "15xANZb5vJv5RGL263NFuh8UGgHT7noXeZ",
"derivationPath": "m/0/3"
"address": "1PJMBXKBYEBMRDmpAoBRbDff26gHJrawSp",
"derivationPath": "m/0/4"
"address": "16ZBYSHkLkRFHAuZvyzosXYgU1UDJxRV1R",
"derivationPath": "m/0/5"
"address": "1EHeVKfjjq6FJpix86G2yzFeRbZ6RNg2Zm",
"derivationPath": "m/0/6"
"address": "1HqsYkwczwvkMXCobk5WPZmhj2S2TK613Z",
"derivationPath": "m/0/8"
"address": "1687EJf5YEmeEtcscnuJPiV5b8HkM1o98q",
"derivationPath": "m/0/9"
"address": "1MS6eGqD4iUGyJPbEsjqmoNaRhApgtmF8J",
"derivationPath": "m/0/10"
"balance": 490868,
"confirmations": 15
The query result is returned as json format. Response are consists by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
addresses | array | Array of addresses used in transactions |
address | string | Address used in transaction |
derivationPath | string | Derivation path |
balance | integer | Balance xpub or ypub key |
confirmations | integer | The number of confirmations to used for the balance calculate. This field is displayed only when include_balance = 1 |
The parameters include_balance, include_addresses, gap and confirmations are optional. If parameters are not specified, then the number of child addresses participating in the transactions is returned.
Example of request code without include_balance, include_addresses, gap, confirmations parameters
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" ""
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$PUBKEY = 'xpub6CUGRUonZSQ4TWtTMmzXdrXDtypWKiKrhko4egpiMZbpiaQL2jkwSB1icqYh2cfDfVxdx4df189oLKnC5fSwqPfgyP3hooxujYzAu3fDVmz';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/hdwallet/dumpxpub?pubkey=' . $PUBKEY . '&token=' . $TOKEN;
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/hdwallet/dumpxpub?pubkey=' + PUBKEY + '&token=' + TOKEN;
.then((response) => {
return response.json();
}).then((data) => {
Response for request without include_balance, include_addresses, gap, confirmations parameters
"error": {},
"result": {
"countAddresses": 10
Response is represented by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
countAddresses | integer | The number of addresses used in transactions |
Example of code for include_addresses=0.
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" ""
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$PUBKEY = 'xpub6CUGRUonZSQ4TWtTMmzXdrXDtypWKiKrhko4egpiMZbpiaQL2jkwSB1icqYh2cfDfVxdx4df189oLKnC5fSwqPfgyP3hooxujYzAu3fDVmz';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/hdwallet/dumpxpub?pubkey=' . $PUBKEY .
'&include_balance=' . $INCLUDEBALANCE .
'&include_addresses=' . $INCLUDEADDRESSES .
'&confirmations=' . $CONFIRMATIONS .
'&token=' . $TOKEN;
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
PUBKEY = 'xpub6CUGRUonZSQ4TWtTMmzXdrXDtypWKiKrhko4egpiMZbpiaQL2jkwSB1icqYh2cfDfVxdx4df189oLKnC5fSwqPfgyP3hooxujYzAu3fDVmz';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/hdwallet/dumpxpub?pubkey=' + PUBKEY + '&include_balance=' + INCLUDEBALANCE + '&include_addresses=' + INCLUDEADDRESSES + '&confirmations=' + CONFIRMATIONS + '&token=' + TOKEN;
.then((response) => {
return response.json();
}).then((data) => {
If include_addresses not specified or include_addresses=0, then balance return
"error": {},
"result": {
"balance": 490868,
"confirmations": 50
Request code examples
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" ""
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/hdwallet/getpristineaddress?pubkey=' . $PUBKEY . '&startfrom=' . $STARTFROM . '&token=' . $TOKEN;
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/hdwallet/getpristineaddress?pubkey=' + PUBKEY + '&startfrom=' + STARTFROM + '&token' + TOKEN;
.then((response) => {
return response.json();
}).then((data) => {
return true;
The method returns a derived address that was not previously used in transactions for the specified xpub or ypub key.
HTTP request
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description | Request |
CURRENCY | string | - | Currency type - btc, dash, ltc or zec | URI |
pubkey | string | - | The xpub or ypub key for which the address is required. | URI |
startfrom | integer | 0 | The number of the address in the derivation path (m/0/START) from which to start searching. | URI |
Response example
"error": {},
"result": {
"address": "17BvBPGypT4nt1xc5QpdSDkQb54xoUuQkD",
"derivationPath": "m/0/7",
"number": 7
The query result is returned as json format. Response are consists by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
address | string | The derivative address of the specified xpub or ypub |
derivationPath | string | Derivative path |
number | integer | Address number (m/0/number). |
Request code examples
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" ""
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$PAGE = 1;
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/hdwallet/gettxs?pubkey=' . $PUBKEY . '&page=' . $PAGE . '&token=' . $TOKEN;
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
PAGE = 1;
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/hdwallet/gettxs?pubkey=' + PUBKEY + '&page=' + PAGE + '&token' + TOKEN;
.then((response) => {
return response.json();
}).then((data) => {
return true;
The method returns transaction data of child addresses of the specified pubkey
HTTP request
Query parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description | Request |
CURRENCY | string | - | Currency type - btc, dash, ltc or zec | URI |
pubkey | string | - | The xpub or ypub key for which the address is required | URI |
page | integer | 1 | The number of page. Equal or more 1 | URI |
The query result is returned as json format:
"error": "",
"result": {
"data": [
"block_hash": "000000000000000012fccc0c48f7e7be35a4abf164ba5e5229a855f459c0c784",
"block_height": 335392,
"block_time": 1419270130,
"confirmations": 261495,
"double_spend": false,
"hash": "6faca777767c3130722c1ed3cea8537099ca3d4db475ad6be1c2f93fbce571c3",
"num_in_block": 207,
"size": 226,
"time": 1419270130
"block_hash": "000000000000000012fccc0c48f7e7be35a4abf164ba5e5229a855f459c0c784",
"block_height": 335392,
"block_time": 1419270130,
"confirmations": 261495,
"double_spend": false,
"hash": "6624d78e14ebae02be652c1b155cc8cd1cd9fd7b8531df16cdcfcbe36b8ab272",
"num_in_block": 208,
"size": 226,
"time": 1419270130
"block_hash": "00000000000000001aa3d46426d843133e3e6b3e0dba6bfaa053d54af503f977",
"block_height": 335428,
"block_time": 1419283942,
"confirmations": 261459,
"double_spend": false,
"hash": "d339e4ffd23586e9f75c44aa5c60cc8775980ccd09a431cc0b56dac863d7f6f2",
"num_in_block": 750,
"size": 226,
"time": 1419283942
"block_hash": "0000000000000000030593f652371abb57a36cd6b5c198c60a48201d0fe779f4",
"block_height": 335556,
"block_time": 1419355581,
"confirmations": 261331,
"double_spend": false,
"hash": "4fbbbdf97d77f27cf39572a21a996e938b88f76ac173a0806f60e94f23995016",
"num_in_block": 404,
"size": 225,
"time": 1419355581
"block_hash": "000000000000000003eda5c2fc1ac8992fd4391ec62ffde381ac7f684d808170",
"block_height": 425673,
"block_time": 1471493231,
"confirmations": 171214,
"double_spend": false,
"hash": "d398308c6b1123d53f0c669146ad9772164dacdf4df4c79d26e657264f20250f",
"num_in_block": 1397,
"size": 258,
"time": 1471493231
"block_hash": "0000000000000000011358746ea47f9d8f71b1bb0a9cbe1de22192cc68be6508",
"block_height": 472199,
"block_time": 1498014082,
"confirmations": 124688,
"double_spend": false,
"hash": "9922f59186cb133769bee41876bd8c0186dee21a005823d4e28ddaf6e324805c",
"num_in_block": 344,
"size": 616,
"time": 1498014082
"block_hash": "0000000000000000001d28601aec2609ea73a555493dc8b4d2c17680fa10b747",
"block_height": 473887,
"block_time": 1499015523,
"confirmations": 123000,
"double_spend": false,
"hash": "0b290c3d0f27ce20a91d3054ab2d6e43700b86b2d290bdb1a5686c453a1687b7",
"num_in_block": 1054,
"size": 225,
"time": 1499015523
"block_hash": "0000000000000000001651eb70b312c3c1d2d0201a78b93a3bc97a076ac389e5",
"block_height": 473890,
"block_time": 1499016409,
"confirmations": 122997,
"double_spend": false,
"hash": "31cd8e45a007482c61c8721f7e6e799f2f40c89b3485a8f1991a0195e8a19b83",
"num_in_block": 395,
"size": 226,
"time": 1499016409
"block_hash": "000000000000000000d0a0d5738e4745a3ea78e2c5dea2ca4d0d784bd1075086",
"block_height": 473895,
"block_time": 1499019077,
"confirmations": 122992,
"double_spend": false,
"hash": "b302f204738c02a3427d3867ed53a85cf6234157ba306ac05dc8d7d85d8b09f4",
"num_in_block": 1242,
"size": 373,
"time": 1499019077
"block_hash": "000000000000000000196f9251a434cf6787b6cc2f30d2de2e685dc4515a4ece",
"block_height": 544826,
"block_time": 1538959396,
"confirmations": 52061,
"double_spend": false,
"hash": "89ba68e39862a36a71065bc13f0896213e9ee0240a41800c252802e2edc1b817",
"num_in_block": 2060,
"size": 225,
"time": 1538953829
"limit": 10,
"page": 1,
"pubkey": "xpub6CUGRUonZSQ4TWtTMmzXdrXDtypWKiKrhko4egpiMZbpiaQL2jkwSB1icqYh2cfDfVxdx4df189oLKnC5fSwqPfgyP3hooxujYzAu3fDVmz"
Response is represented by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
data | array | Array of transaction data |
limit | integer | Number records per page |
page | integer | Current page |
pubkey | string | The public key for which information returned |
Each element of the data array consists fields:
Field | Type | Description |
block_hash | string | Block hash |
block_height | integer | Block height |
block_time | integer | Block creation time |
confirmations | integer | Number of transaction confirmations |
double_spend | boolean | Mark of double spending |
hash | string | Transaction hash |
num_in_block | integer | Block transaction number |
size | integer | Block size |
time | integer | Transaction creation time |
Get Informations by blocks
Request code examples
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" ""
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$BLOCKHASH = '0000000066356691a4353dd8bdc2c60da20d68ad34fff93d8839a133b2a6d42a';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/block/' . $BLOCKHASH . '?token=' . $TOKEN;
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
BLOCKHASH = '0000000066356691a4353dd8bdc2c60da20d68ad34fff93d8839a133b2a6d42a';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/block/' + BLOCKHASH + '?token=' + TOKEN;
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function (data) {
The method returns information about the block by hash or height. A method can be called in two ways.
HTTP request
Query parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description | Request |
CURRENCY | string | - | Currency type - btc, dash, ltc or zec | URI |
BLOCKHASH | string | - | Block hash | URI |
BLOCKHEIGHT | string | - | Block height | URI |
The query result is returned as json format:
Response example
"error": {},
"result": {
"block_difficulty": 1,
"block_hash": "0000000066356691a4353dd8bdc2c60da20d68ad34fff93d8839a133b2a6d42a",
"block_height": 221,
"block_size": 417,
"block_time": 1231770060,
"block_version": 1,
"confirmations": 505809,
"tx_count": 2
Response is represented by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
block_difficulty | double | Block difficulty |
block_hash | string | Block hash |
block_height | integer | Block height |
block_size | integer | Block size in bytes |
block_time | integer | Block creation time |
block_version | integer | Version |
confirmations | integer | Number of confirmations |
tx_count | integer | The number of transactions in the block |
Get information by block height
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" ""
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/block/' . $BLOCKHEIGHT . '?token=' . $TOKEN;
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/block/' + BLOCKHEIGHT + '?token=' + TOKEN;
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function (data) {
Response example
"error": {},
"result": {
"block_difficulty": 1,
"block_hash": "0000000066356691a4353dd8bdc2c60da20d68ad34fff93d8839a133b2a6d42a",
"block_height": 221,
"block_size": 417,
"block_time": 1231770060,
"block_version": 1,
"confirmations": 505809,
"tx_count": 2
Request code examples
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" "[]=1&blockid[]=5000&token=YOUR_TOKEN"
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$BLOCKID1 = 1;
$BLOCKID2 = 5000;
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/blocks?blockid[]=' . $BLOCKID1 . '&blockid[]=' . $BLOCKID2 . '&token='.$TOKEN;
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url . $GETparam);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
BLOCKID1 = '1';
BLOCKID2 = '5000';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/blocks?blockid[]=' + BLOCKID1 + '&blockid[]=' + BLOCKID2 + '&token=' + TOKEN;
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function (data) {
The method returns information about blocks by the given block numbers.
HTTP request[]=VALUE
Query parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description | Request |
CURRENCY | string | - | Currency type - btc, dash, ltc or zec | URI |
blockid | integer | - | An array of block heights about which information is needed | URI, POST |
The query result is returned as json format
Response example
"error": {},
"result": {
"blocks": [
"block_difficulty": 1,
"block_hash": "00000000839a8e6886ab5951d76f411475428afc90947ee320161bbf18eb6048",
"block_height": 1,
"block_size": 215,
"block_time": 1231469665,
"block_version": 1,
"confirmations": 506029,
"tx_count": 1
"block_difficulty": 1,
"block_hash": "000000004d78d2a8a93a1d20a24d721268690bebd2b51f7e80657d57e226eef9",
"block_height": 5000,
"block_size": 216,
"block_time": 1235135895,
"block_version": 1,
"confirmations": 501030,
"tx_count": 1
Response is represented by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
block_difficulty | double | Block difficulty |
block_hash | string | Block hash |
block_height | integer | Block height |
block_size | integer | Block size in bytes |
block_time | integer | Block creation time |
block_version | integer | Version |
confirmations | integer | Number of confirmations |
tx_count | integer | The number of transactions in the block |
Getting information by the POST method
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"blockid\":[1,5000]}" ""
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$BLOCKID1 = 1;
$BLOCKID2 = 5000;
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/blocks?token='.$TOKEN;
$POSTparam=['blockid' => [$BLOCKID1, $BLOCKID2]];
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($POSTparam));
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
BLOCKID2 = 5000;
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/blocks?token=' + TOKEN;
fetch(url, {
method: 'post',
body: JSON.stringify({blockid: [BLOCKID1, BLOCKID2]})})
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function (data) {
Response example
"error": {},
"result": {
"blocks": [
"block_difficulty": 1,
"block_hash": "00000000839a8e6886ab5951d76f411475428afc90947ee320161bbf18eb6048",
"block_height": 1,
"block_size": 215,
"block_time": 1231469665,
"block_version": 1,
"confirmations": 506029,
"tx_count": 1
"block_difficulty": 1,
"block_hash": "000000004d78d2a8a93a1d20a24d721268690bebd2b51f7e80657d57e226eef9",
"block_height": 5000,
"block_size": 216,
"block_time": 1235135895,
"block_version": 1,
"confirmations": 501030,
"tx_count": 1
Request code examples
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" ""
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$COUNT = 3;
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/lastblocks?count=' . $COUNT . '&token=' . $TOKEN;
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url . $GETparam);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
COUNT = '3';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/lastblocks?count=' + COUNT + '&token=' + TOKEN;
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function (data) {
The method returns information about the last blocks included in the blockchain.
HTTP request
Query parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description | Request |
CURRENCY | string | - | Currency type - btc, dash, ltc or zec | URI |
count | integer | - | The number of last blocks displayed as a result | URI |
The query result is returned as json format:
"error": {},
"result": {
"blocks": [
"block_difficulty": 2603077300218.6,
"block_hash": "00000000000000000059c15d5e0ac4c813714bb6b8e9792c8e213844b9754e0e",
"block_height": 506029,
"block_size": 1003238,
"block_time": 1516871154,
"block_version": 536870912,
"confirmations": 1,
"tx_count": 432
"block_difficulty": 2603077300218.6,
"block_hash": "00000000000000000064ad4a4839abefd2e4e3d2a75c2bd1fadead59ad9c32b8",
"block_height": 506028,
"block_size": 1046102,
"block_time": 1516871116,
"block_version": 536870912,
"confirmations": 2,
"tx_count": 1036
"block_difficulty": 2603077300218.6,
"block_hash": "0000000000000000003133c567a511c15ae1da565ff9ca7601dcf1532291b282",
"block_height": 506027,
"block_size": 1037188,
"block_time": 1516870806,
"block_version": 536870912,
"confirmations": 3,
"tx_count": 1911
Response is represented by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
block_difficulty | double | Block difficulty |
block_hash | string | Block hash |
block_height | integer | Block height |
block_size | integer | Block size in bytes |
block_time | integer | Block creation time |
block_version | integer | Version |
confirmations | integer | Number of confirmations |
tx_count | integer | The number of transactions in the block |
Request code examples
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" ""
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$BLOCK = 444444;
$PAGE = 5;
$LIMIT = 3;
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/blocktransactions?block=' . $BLOCK . '&page=' . $PAGE . '&limit=' . $LIMIT . '&token=' . $TOKEN;
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url . $GETparam);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
BLOCK = 444444;
PAGE = 5;
LIMIT = 3;
url = '' + CURRENCY + 'blocktransactions?block=' + BLOCK + '&page=' + PAGE + '&limit=' + LIMIT + '&token=' + TOKEN;
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function (data) {
The method returns information about transactions in a block with a given height.
HTTP request
Query parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description | Request |
CURRENCY | string | - | Currency type - btc, dash, ltc or zec | URI |
block | integer | - | Block height. Positive number, greater than 0 | URI |
page | integer | - | Page number | URI |
limit | integer | - | Number of records per page | URI |
The query result is returned as json format:
"error": {},
"result": {
"confirmations": 61719,
"current_page": 5,
"per_page": 3,
"total": 2072,
"txs": [
"inputs_count": 1,
"outputs_count": 2,
"transaction_time": 1482335740,
"tx_hash": "f64dbcd3c69ef5c1e08dbab1a0365c260cb7675bcc7e8c6b6552b17228a92a79"
"inputs_count": 1,
"outputs_count": 2,
"transaction_time": 1482335740,
"tx_hash": "3ffa38f6718ea9a8f35b02f96620ccf1e55395544339aa8587ae28b823295927"
"inputs_count": 1,
"outputs_count": 2,
"transaction_time": 1482335740,
"tx_hash": "0d9cfe5c852cfb60b4e0b77f2c63da5ec9f7c75437946f68a194994a0eef6e0c"
Response is represented by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
confirmations | integer | Number of confirmations |
current_page | integer | Returned page number. Defines by parameter "page" |
per_page | integer | The number of records per page. Defines by parameter "limit" |
total | integer | The total number of records in the block |
txs | array | Array of transaction data included in the block |
Array txs is represented by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
inputs_count | integer | Number of inputs |
outputs_count | integer | Number of outputs |
transaction_time | integer | Transaction time |
tx_hash | string | Transaction hash |
Get informations by transactions
Request code examples
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" ""
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$TRANSACTIONHASH = '298ca2045d174f8a158961806ffc4ef96fad02d71a6b84d9fa0491813a776160';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/transaction/' . $TRANSACTIONHASH . '?holder_data=' . $HOLDERDATA . '&token=' . $TOKEN;
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
TRANSACTIONHASH = '298ca2045d174f8a158961806ffc4ef96fad02d71a6b84d9fa0491813a776160';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/transaction/' + TRANSACTIONHASH + '?holder_data=' + HOLDERDATA + '&token=' + $TOKEN;
.then((response) => {
return response.json();
}).then((data) => {
The method returns transaction information by hash.
HTTP request
Query Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Default | Description | Request |
CURRENCY | string | - | Currency type - btc, dash, ltc or zec | URI |
TRANSACTIONHASH | string | - | The hash of the transaction about which information is needed | URI |
holder_data | integer | 0 | Flag displaying information about the owner of the address. The accepted values are 1 or 0. | URI |
The query result is returned as json format:
Response example
"error": {},
"result": {
"block_hash": "0000000066356691a4353dd8bdc2c60da20d68ad34fff93d8839a133b2a6d42a",
"block_height": 221,
"block_time": 1231770060,
"coinbase": false,
"confirmations": 507882,
"double_spend": false,
"hash": "298ca2045d174f8a158961806ffc4ef96fad02d71a6b84d9fa0491813a776160",
"lock_time": 0,
"num_in_block": 2,
"size": 201,
"time": 1231770060,
"txin": [
"addresses": [
"holder_address_count": 1,
"holder_name": "holder2",
"holder_rootaddress": "1LzBzVqEeuQyjD2mRWHes3dgWrT9titxvq",
"n": 0,
"output_block_height": 221,
"output_txid": "591e91f809d716912ca1d4a9295e70c3e78bab077683f79350f101da64588073",
"script_type": "pubkey",
"value": 100000000,
"vout": 0
"txout": [
"addresses": [
"holder_address_count": null,
"holder_name": null,
"holder_rootaddress": null,
"input_n": null,
"input_tx_block_height": null,
"input_txid": null,
"script_type": "pubkey",
"value": 100000000,
"vout": 0
Response is represented by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
block_hash | string | Block hash |
block_height | integer | Block height |
block_time | integer | Block creation time |
coinbase | boolean | Mark of a coinbase transaction |
confirmations | integer | Number of transaction confirmations |
double_spend | boolean | Mark of double spending |
hash | string | Transaction hash |
lock_time | integer | Block height or time at which the transaction will be unlocked 0 transaction not blocked <500000000 Block number on which this transaction will be unlocked =500000000 UNIX timestamp in which this transaction will be unlocked A transaction cannot be added to a block before lock_time |
num_in_block | integer | Block transaction number |
size | integer | Block size |
time | integer | Transaction creation time |
txin | array | Array of input |
txout | array | array of output |
Array txin are consists by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
addresses | array | Array of addresses. Array element type - string |
holder_name | string | Name of the owner of the address / addresses used in this input |
holder_address_count | integer | The number of addresses for this owner |
holder_rootaddress | string | Owner primary address |
n | integer | Transaction input number |
output_block_height | integer | Transaction block height |
output_txid | string | The hash of the transaction where the spent output is created |
script_type | string | Signature type |
value | integer | The amount of funds at this input |
vout | integer | The output number where the funds were spent |
Array txout are consists by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
addresses | array | Array of addresses to which funds are transferred |
holder_name | string | Name of the owner of the address / addresses used in this output |
holder_address_count | integer | The number of addresses this owner |
holder_rootaddress | string | Owner primary address |
input_n | integer | The input number of the transaction in which the current output is spent |
input_tx_block_height | integer | Transaction block height at which current output is spent |
input_txid | string | The hash of the transaction in which the current output is spent |
script_type | string | Signature type |
value | integer | The amount of funds at this output |
vout | integer | The output number |
Request code examples
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"txid\":[\"298ca2045d174f8a158961806ffc4ef96fad02d71a6b84d9fa0491813a776160\",\"d9620012dd61f8cee4e42f730231af09334889c5a1d6e52172952f27561b573f\"]}" ""
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$HASH1 = '298ca2045d174f8a158961806ffc4ef96fad02d71a6b84d9fa0491813a776160';
$HASH2 = 'd9620012dd61f8cee4e42f730231af09334889c5a1d6e52172952f27561b573f';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/transactions?holder_data=' . $HOLDERDATA . '&token=' . $TOKEN;
$POSTparam=['txid'=>[$HASH1, $HASH2]];
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($POSTparam));
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
HASH1 = '298ca2045d174f8a158961806ffc4ef96fad02d71a6b84d9fa0491813a776160';
HASH2 = 'd9620012dd61f8cee4e42f730231af09334889c5a1d6e52172952f27561b573f';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/transactions?holder_data=' + HOLDERDATA + '&token=' + TOKEN;
fetch(url, {
method: 'post',
body: JSON.stringify({txid: [HASH1, HASH2] }) })
.then((response) => {
return response.json();
}).then((data) => {
The method method returns transactions information by array of hashes.
HTTP request[]=VALUE&holder_data=VALUE
Query Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Default | Description | Request |
CURRENCY | string | - | Currency type - btc, dash, ltc or zec | URI |
txid | string | - | The hash of the transaction or array of hashes of the transactions about which information is needed | URI, POST |
holder_data | integer | 0 | Flag displaying information about the owner of the address. The accepted values are 1 or 0. | URI |
The query result is returned as json format
Response example
"error": {},
"result": {
"transactions": [
"block_hash": "0000000066356691a4353dd8bdc2c60da20d68ad34fff93d8839a133b2a6d42a",
"block_height": 221,
"block_time": 1231770060,
"coinbase": false,
"confirmations": 510202,
"double_spend": false,
"hash": "298ca2045d174f8a158961806ffc4ef96fad02d71a6b84d9fa0491813a776160",
"lock_time": 0,
"num_in_block": 2,
"size": 201,
"time": 1231770060,
"txin": [
"addresses": [
"holder_address_count": 1,
"holder_name": "holder2",
"holder_rootaddress": "1LzBzVqEeuQyjD2mRWHes3dgWrT9titxvq",
"n": 0,
"output_block_height": 221,
"output_txid": "591e91f809d716912ca1d4a9295e70c3e78bab077683f79350f101da64588073",
"script_type": "pubkey",
"value": 100000000,
"vout": 0
"txout": [
"addresses": [
"holder_address_count": null,
"holder_name": "",
"holder_rootaddress": null,
"input_n": null,
"input_tx_block_height": null,
"input_txid": null,
"script_type": "pubkey",
"value": 100000000,
"vout": 0
"block_hash": "000000000000000000c4913c9a4c9c34289eaf8cd9ddfedc71c708b38ed61bc3",
"block_height": 495585,
"block_time": 1511352853,
"coinbase": true,
"confirmations": 14838,
"double_spend": false,
"hash": "d9620012dd61f8cee4e42f730231af09334889c5a1d6e52172952f27561b573f",
"lock_time": 0,
"num_in_block": 1,
"size": 248,
"time": 1511352853,
"txin": [
"value": 1250000000
"txout": [
"addresses": [
"holder_address_count": 214,
"holder_name": "",
"holder_rootaddress": "1NS4gbx1G2D5rc9PnvVsPys12nKxGiQg72",
"input_n": 18,
"input_tx_block_height": 495969,
"input_txid": "fe7d0cd7a843d0654a6be1fc7a16b3b661c60bf3dd7725e460868eeb7cba60b6",
"script_type": "pubkeyhash",
"value": 1340680951,
"vout": 0
"addresses": [],
"holder_address_count": null,
"holder_name": "",
"holder_rootaddress": null,
"input_n": null,
"input_tx_block_height": null,
"input_txid": null,
"script_type": "nulldata",
"value": 0,
"vout": 1
Response is represented array of information about transactions. The each transaction information is consists by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
block_hash | string | Block hash |
block_height | integer | Block height |
block_time | integer | Block creation time |
coinbase | boolean | Mark of a coinbase transaction |
confirmations | integer | Number of transaction confirmations |
double_spend | boolean | Mark of double spending |
hash | string | Transaction hash |
lock_time | integer | Block height or time at which the transaction will be unlocked 0 transaction not blocked <500000000 Block number on which this transaction will be unlocked =500000000 UNIX timestamp in which this transaction will be unlocked A transaction cannot be added to a block before lock_time |
num_in_block | integer | Block transaction number |
size | integer | Block size |
time | integer | Transaction creation time |
txin | array | Array of input |
txout | array | array of output |
Array txin are consists by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
addresses | array | Array of addresses. Array element type - string |
holder_name | string | Name of the owner of the address / addresses used in this input |
holder_address_count | integer | The number of addresses for this owner |
holder_rootaddress | string | Owner primary address |
n | integer | Transaction input number |
output_block_height | integer | Transaction block height |
output_txid | string | The hash of the transaction where the spent output is created |
script_type | string | Signature type |
value | integer | The amount of funds at this input |
vout | integer | The output number where the funds were spent |
Array txout are consists by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
addresses | array | Array of addresses to which funds are transferred |
holder_name | string | Name of the owner of the address / addresses used in this output |
holder_address_count | integer | The number of addresses this owner |
holder_rootaddress | string | Owner primary address |
input_n | integer | The input number of the transaction in which the current output is spent |
input_tx_block_height | integer | Transaction block height at which current output is spent |
input_txid | string | The hash of the transaction in which the current output is spent |
script_type | string | Signature type |
value | integer | The amount of funds at this output |
vout | integer | The output number |
Getting information about one transaction with owner data by the POST method
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"txid\":\"298ca2045d174f8a158961806ffc4ef96fad02d71a6b84d9fa0491813a776160\"}" ""
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$HASH1 = '298ca2045d174f8a158961806ffc4ef96fad02d71a6b84d9fa0491813a776160';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/transactions?holder_data=' . $HOLDERDATA . '&token=' . $TOKEN;
$POSTparam=['txid' => $HASH1];
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($POSTparam));
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
HASH1 = '298ca2045d174f8a158961806ffc4ef96fad02d71a6b84d9fa0491813a776160';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/transactions?holder_data=' + HOLDERDATA + '&token=' + TOKEN;
fetch(url, {
method: 'post',
body: JSON.stringify({txid: HASH1 }) })
.then((response) => {
return response.json();
}).then((data) => {
Response example
"error": {},
"result": {
"transactions": [
"block_hash": "0000000066356691a4353dd8bdc2c60da20d68ad34fff93d8839a133b2a6d42a",
"block_height": 221,
"block_time": 1231770060,
"coinbase": false,
"confirmations": 510202,
"double_spend": false,
"hash": "298ca2045d174f8a158961806ffc4ef96fad02d71a6b84d9fa0491813a776160",
"lock_time": 0,
"num_in_block": 2,
"size": 201,
"time": 1231770060,
"txin": [
"addresses": [
"holder_address_count": 1,
"holder_name": "holder2",
"holder_rootaddress": "1LzBzVqEeuQyjD2mRWHes3dgWrT9titxvq",
"n": 0,
"output_block_height": 221,
"output_txid": "591e91f809d716912ca1d4a9295e70c3e78bab077683f79350f101da64588073",
"script_type": "pubkey",
"value": 100000000,
"vout": 0
"txout": [
"addresses": [
"holder_address_count": null,
"holder_name": "",
"holder_rootaddress": null,
"input_n": null,
"input_tx_block_height": null,
"input_txid": null,
"script_type": "pubkey",
"value": 100000000,
"vout": 0
Getting transaction information without owner data by the GET method
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" "[]=298ca2045d174f8a158961806ffc4ef96fad02d71a6b84d9fa0491813a776160&txid[]=d9620012dd61f8cee4e42f730231af09334889c5a1d6e52172952f27561b573f&token=YOUR_TOKEN"
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$HASH1 = '298ca2045d174f8a158961806ffc4ef96fad02d71a6b84d9fa0491813a776160';
$HASH2 = 'd9620012dd61f8cee4e42f730231af09334889c5a1d6e52172952f27561b573f';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/transactions?txid[]=' . $HASH1 . '&txid[]=' . $HASH2 . '&token=' . $TOKEN;
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
HASH1 = '298ca2045d174f8a158961806ffc4ef96fad02d71a6b84d9fa0491813a776160';
HASH2 = 'd9620012dd61f8cee4e42f730231af09334889c5a1d6e52172952f27561b573f';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/transactions?txid[]=' + HASH1 + '&txid[]=' + HASH2 + '&token=' + TOKEN;
.then((response) => {
return response.json();
}).then((data) => {
Response example
"error": {},
"result": {
"transactions": [
"block_hash": "0000000066356691a4353dd8bdc2c60da20d68ad34fff93d8839a133b2a6d42a",
"block_height": 221,
"block_time": 1231770060,
"coinbase": false,
"confirmations": 593489,
"double_spend": false,
"hash": "298ca2045d174f8a158961806ffc4ef96fad02d71a6b84d9fa0491813a776160",
"lock_time": 0,
"num_in_block": 2,
"size": 201,
"time": 1231770060,
"txin": [
"addresses": [
"n": 0,
"output_block_height": 221,
"output_txid": "591e91f809d716912ca1d4a9295e70c3e78bab077683f79350f101da64588073",
"script_type": "pubkey",
"value": 100000000,
"vout": 0
"txout": [
"addresses": [
"input_n": null,
"input_tx_block_height": null,
"input_txid": null,
"script_type": "pubkey",
"value": 100000000,
"vout": 0
"block_hash": "000000000000000000c4913c9a4c9c34289eaf8cd9ddfedc71c708b38ed61bc3",
"block_height": 495585,
"block_time": 1511352853,
"coinbase": true,
"confirmations": 98125,
"double_spend": false,
"hash": "d9620012dd61f8cee4e42f730231af09334889c5a1d6e52172952f27561b573f",
"lock_time": 0,
"num_in_block": 1,
"size": 248,
"time": 1511352853,
"txin": [
"value": 1250000000
"txout": [
"addresses": [
"input_n": 18,
"input_tx_block_height": 495969,
"input_txid": "fe7d0cd7a843d0654a6be1fc7a16b3b661c60bf3dd7725e460868eeb7cba60b6",
"script_type": "pubkeyhash",
"value": 1340680951,
"vout": 0
"addresses": [],
"input_n": null,
"input_tx_block_height": null,
"input_txid": null,
"script_type": "nulldata",
"value": 0,
"vout": 1
Request code examples
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"txid\":[\"7722cee32dde81a29d4940d28b178b0914e7e8ac5ee52547538e954f4f5ee71a\",\"c07ca408706788c9e916b5c446fb93f064de90d21049b206608fbd5f45e2bdb3\"]}" ""
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$HASH1 = '7722cee32dde81a29d4940d28b178b0914e7e8ac5ee52547538e954f4f5ee71a';
$HASH2 = 'c07ca408706788c9e916b5c446fb93f064de90d21049b206608fbd5f45e2bdb3';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/transactionsholders?token=' . $TOKEN;
$POSTparam=['txid'=>[$HASH1, $HASH2]];
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($POSTparam));
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
HASH1 = '7722cee32dde81a29d4940d28b178b0914e7e8ac5ee52547538e954f4f5ee71a';
HASH2 = 'c07ca408706788c9e916b5c446fb93f064de90d21049b206608fbd5f45e2bdb3';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/transactionsholders?token=' + TOKEN;
fetch(url, {
method: 'post',
body: JSON.stringify({txid: [hash1, hash2] }) })
.then((response) => {
return response.json();
}).then((data) => {
The method returns data about the addresses and their owners included in the requested transaction
HTTP request
A hash or an array of transaction hashes is passed in the txid parameter by the POST method.
Query Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Default | Description | Request |
CURRENCY | string | - | Currency type - btc, dash, ltc or zec | URI |
txid | string | - | The hash of the transaction about which information is needed is passed in the parameter. Passing more than one hash is performed in an array. One hash can be passed as a string parameter. | POST |
The query result is returned as json format.
Response example
"error": {},
"result": {
"inputs": [
"holder_address_count": 1,
"holder_name": "",
"holder_rootaddress": "1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7",
"transactions": [
"holder_address_count": 1,
"holder_name": "",
"holder_rootaddress": "1FGaCR3k9B8ZifGc8FWcYY5yS7FXZgbMFF",
"transactions": [
"outputs": [
"holder_address_count": 1,
"holder_name": "",
"holder_rootaddress": "1BdxBor4JG76RKLAwJZfHC58fWbgidYukz",
"transactions": [
"holder_address_count": 1,
"holder_name": "",
"holder_rootaddress": "1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7",
"transactions": [
"holder_address_count": 1,
"holder_name": "MyNameIs12S4",
"holder_rootaddress": "12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy",
"transactions": [
Response is represented by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
inputs | array | The array of Information about inputs |
outputs | array | The array of Information about outputs |
Array inputs are consists by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
holder_address_count | integer | Number of addresses owner |
holder_name | string | Owners name |
holder_rootaddress | string | Owner root address |
transactions | array | Array of transaction hashes in which this address was as input |
Array outputs are consists by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
holder_address_count | integer | Number of addresses owner |
holder_name | string | Owners name |
holder_rootaddress | string | Owner root address |
transactions | array | Array of transaction hashes in which this address was as output |
Getting information about one transaction
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"txid\":\"7722cee32dde81a29d4940d28b178b0914e7e8ac5ee52547538e954f4f5ee71a\"}" ""
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$HASH1 = '7722cee32dde81a29d4940d28b178b0914e7e8ac5ee52547538e954f4f5ee71a';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/transactionsholders?token=' . $TOKEN;
$POSTparam=['txid' => $HASH1];
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($POSTparam));
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
HASH1 = '7722cee32dde81a29d4940d28b178b0914e7e8ac5ee52547538e954f4f5ee71a';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/transactionsholders?token=' + TOKEN;
fetch(url, {
method: 'post',
body: JSON.stringify({txid: HASH1})})
.then( (response) => {
return response.json();
}).then( (data) => {
Response example
"error": {},
"result": {
"inputs": [
"holder_address_count": 1,
"holder_name": "",
"holder_rootaddress": "1FGaCR3k9B8ZifGc8FWcYY5yS7FXZgbMFF",
"transactions": [
"outputs": [
"holder_address_count": 1,
"holder_name": "MyNameIs12S4",
"holder_rootaddress": "12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy",
"transactions": [
Get information about address owners
Request code examples
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" ""
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$ADDR1 = '12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/getholder/' . $ADDR1 . '?address_data=' . $ADDRESSDATA . '&token=' . $TOKEN;
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
ADDR1 = '12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/getholder/' + ADDR1 + '?address_data=' + ADDRESSDATA + '&token=' + TOKEN;
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function (data) {
The method returns information about the owner of the root address.
HTTP request
Query parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description | Request |
CURRENCY | string | - | Currency type - btc, dash, ltc or zec | URI |
ADDRESS | string | - | Root address about which information is needed | URI |
address_data | integer | - | Flag for displaying information about other addresses of the owner. The accepted values are 1 or 0 | URI |
The query result is returned as json format:
"error": {},
"result": {
"holder_address_count": 1,
"addresses": [
"download_type": "direct",
"holder_name": "MyNameIs12S4",
"holder_rootaddress": "12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy"
Response if the parameter address_data is not set or is equal to 0
"error": {},
"result": {
"holder_address_count": 1,
"holder_name": "MyNameIs12S4",
"holder_rootaddress": "12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy"
If there is no information about the address owner, the following result is returned
"error": {
"code": 2,
"message": "No such holder"
"result": {}
Response is represented by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
holder_address_count | integer | Number of addresses |
addresses | array | Addresses array |
download_type | string | The method of obtaining addresses: "by_support_email" - if the number of addresses is 10000000 or more, then receipt by request; "by_link" - if the number of addresses is in the range from 200 to 10000000, then the addresses can be downloaded by the link; "direct" - if the number of addresses is equal or less than to 200, then the addresses are presented in the current response. |
holder_name | string | Owners name |
holder_rootaddress | string | Owner root address |
If the parameter address_data is not set or is equal to 0, then the array addresses as a result is not returned. If information about the owner of the address is missing or a child address or incorrect address has been sent, an error is returned.
Getting information about the owner of the address without additional data
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" ""
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$ADDR1 = '12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/getholder/' . $ADDR1 . '?token=' . $TOKEN;
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
ADDR1 = '12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/getholder/' + ADDR1 + '?token=' + TOKEN;
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function (data) {
Response example
"error": {},
"result": {
"holder_address_count": 1,
"holder_name": "MyNameIs12S4",
"holder_rootaddress": "12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy"
Request code examples
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" "[]=12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy&address[]=1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7&confirmations=10&token=YOUR_TOKEN"
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$ADDR1 = '12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy';
$ADDR2 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/getholders?address[]=' . $ADDR1 . '&address[]=' . $ADDR2 . '&confirmations=' . $CONFIRMATIONS . '&token=' . $TOKEN;
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url . $GETparam);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
ADDR1 = '12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy';
ADDR2 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/getholders?address[]=' + ADDR1 + '&address[]=' + ADDR2 + '&confirmations=' + CONFIRMATIONS + '&token=' + TOKEN;
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function (data) {
The method returns information about the balance and owners of addresses.
HTTP request[]=VALUE&confirmations=VALUE
Query parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description | Request |
CURRENCY | string | - | Currency type - btc, dash, ltc or zec | URI |
address | string | - | The address or array of addresses for which information is requested. The addresses is transmitted in an array. | URI, POST |
confirmations | integer | 1 | Number of balance confirmations | URI |
The query result is returned as json format:
"error": {},
"result": [
"address_balance": 5500,
"address_hash": "12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy",
"holder_address_count": 1,
"holder_name": "MyNameIs12S4",
"holder_rootaddress": "12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy"
"address_balance": 6500,
"address_hash": "1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7",
"holder_address_count": 1,
"holder_name": "",
"holder_rootaddress": "1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7"
Empty result
"error": {},
"result": []
Response is represented by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
address_balance | integer | Balance of address |
address_hash | string | Requested address |
holder_address_count | integer | The number of addresses belonging to the owner of the requested address |
holder_name | string | Owners name |
holder_rootaddress | string | Owner root address |
If information about the address owner is missing, then the fields holder_address_count, holder_name, holder_rootaddress are null.
If the request contains an invalid address or an address that was not used in transactions, then the contents of the result array will be empty.
Getting information about the balance and owners of addresses, with a specified number of balance confirmation, using the POST method
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"address\":[\"12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy\",\"1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7\"]}" ""
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$ADDR1 = '12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy';
$ADDR2 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/getholders?confirmations=' . $CONFIRMATIONS . '&token=' . $TOKEN;
$POSTparam=['address'=>[$ADDR1, $ADDR2]];
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url . $GETparam);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($POSTparam));
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
ADDR1 = '12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy';
ADDR2 = '1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/getholders?confirmations=' + CONFIRMATIONS + '&token=' + TOKEN;
fetch(url, {
method: 'post',
body: JSON.stringify({address: [ADDR1, ADDR2] }) })
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function (data) {
Response example
"error": {},
"result": [
"address_balance": 0,
"address_hash": "12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy",
"holder_address_count": 1,
"holder_name": "MyNameIs12S4",
"holder_rootaddress": "12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy"
"address_balance": 0,
"address_hash": "1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7",
"holder_address_count": 1,
"holder_name": "",
"holder_rootaddress": "1MN3cT9Ro927h4kgpSZ5V7SfYjrwTysXv7"
Getting information about the balance and the owner of one address, without setting the number of confirmations, using the POST method
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"address\":\"12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy\"}" ""
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$ADDR1 = '12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/getholders?token=' . $TOKEN;
$POSTparam=['address' => $ADDR1];
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($POSTparam));
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
ADDR1 = '12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/getholders?token=' + TOKEN;
fetch(url, {
method: 'post',
body: JSON.stringify({address: ADDR1})})
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function (data) {
Response example
"error": {},
"result": [
"address_balance": 5500,
"address_hash": "12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy",
"holder_address_count": 1,
"holder_name": "MyNameIs12S4",
"holder_rootaddress": "12S42ZEw2741DHrivgZHLfX8M58mxb7bFy"
Request code examples
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" ""
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$ADDRESS = '132aSc15WmoPwtMbqRVzouZKNnjWL1YTVb';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/downloadholder/' . $ADDRESS . '?token=' . $TOKEN;
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
ADDRESS = '132aSc15WmoPwtMbqRVzouZKNnjWL1YTVb';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/downloadholder/' + ADDRESS + '?token=' + TOKEN;
.then((response) => {
return response.text();
}).then((data) => {
Returns a list of other addresses of the owner to whom the requested address is belongs.
HTTP request
Query parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description | Request |
CURRENCY | string | - | Currency type - btc, dash, ltc or zec | URI |
ADDRESS | string | - | The address for which information is requested | URI |
The query result is returned as csv format
Response example if the result contains more than 1000000 addresses
"error": {
"code": 1,
"message": "Holder is too big for downloading. Contact support service, please."
"result": {}
If the result contains the number of addresses equal to or less than 1000000, then the data is returned as csv format.
If the result contains more than 1000000 addresses, an error is returned.
Proxy methods
Request code examples
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" ""
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$BLOCKS = 3;
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/transaction/estimatefee?blocks=' . $BLOCKS . '&token=' . $TOKEN;
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/transaction/estimatefee?blocks=' + BLOCKS + '&token=' + TOKEN;
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function (data) {
The method returns information about the recommended commission for including a transaction in a given block.
HTTP request
Query parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description | Request |
CURRENCY | string | - | Currency type - btc, dash, ltc or zec | URI |
blocks | integer | 2 | The block number in which the transaction is to be included. Accepted values in range 1 - 25 | URI |
The query result is returned as json format.
Response example
"error": {},
"result": {
"blocks": 3,
"estimatefee": 0.00389181
Response example if it is impossible to calculate the commission
"error": {},
"result": {
"blocks": 1000,
"estimatefee": -1
Response is represented by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
blocks | integer | Block height |
estimatefee | double | Recommended fee |
Getting the recommended commission without specifying the block number
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" ""
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/transaction/estimatefee?token=' . $TOKEN;
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/transaction/estimatefee?token=' + TOKEN;
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function (data) {
Response example
"error": {},
"result": {
"blocks": 2,
"estimatefee": 0.00463748
Request code examples
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" ""
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$TXID = '000000329877c7141c6e50b04ed714a860abcb15135611f6ac92609cb392ef60';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/getrawtransaction/' . $TXID . '?token=' . $TOKEN;
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
TXID = '000000329877c7141c6e50b04ed714a860abcb15135611f6ac92609cb392ef60';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/getrawtransaction/' + TXID + '?token=' + TOKEN;
.then((response) => {
return response.json();
}).then((data) => {
The method returns transaction information in raw format.
HTTP request
Query parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description | Request |
CURRENCY | string | - | Currency type - btc, dash, ltc or zec | URI |
TXID | string | - | Transaction ID | URI |
The query result is returned as json format:
Response example
"error": null,
"id": "1",
"result": {
"blockhash": "00000000000000bde803f93f8d9832aca482cf80d1f46530d75b73f4e0b19ef2",
"blocktime": 1366601333,
"confirmations": 273834,
"hash": "000000329877c7141c6e50b04ed714a860abcb15135611f6ac92609cb392ef60",
"hex": "010000000179936f0ea31acd9801904d9da2a1061252664c877e9c19b5543e7c08682b6688010000006b4830450220395c119dfe52c38f83b9f5c28e2d6e597dc5cf244c5080ce25dfbe08560630e3022100d63bbd40ff43f0c45d2c84dc7df64ab41bd151d868e4f8c3d02259cdea6ea686012103d84c8403be88b2549a5e6d6792df08ef262f3172c62e6077c8849879d2345c6bffffffff02380b0000000000001976a91432ba382cf668657bae15ee0a97fa87f12e1bc89f88ac40420f00000000001976a91406f1b66ffe49df7fce684df16c62f59dc9adbd3f88ac00000000",
"locktime": 0,
"size": 226,
"time": 1366601333,
"txid": "000000329877c7141c6e50b04ed714a860abcb15135611f6ac92609cb392ef60",
"version": 1,
"vin": [
"scriptSig": {
"asm": "30450220395c119dfe52c38f83b9f5c28e2d6e597dc5cf244c5080ce25dfbe08560630e3022100d63bbd40ff43f0c45d2c84dc7df64ab41bd151d868e4f8c3d02259cdea6ea686[ALL] 03d84c8403be88b2549a5e6d6792df08ef262f3172c62e6077c8849879d2345c6b",
"hex": "4830450220395c119dfe52c38f83b9f5c28e2d6e597dc5cf244c5080ce25dfbe08560630e3022100d63bbd40ff43f0c45d2c84dc7df64ab41bd151d868e4f8c3d02259cdea6ea686012103d84c8403be88b2549a5e6d6792df08ef262f3172c62e6077c8849879d2345c6b"
"sequence": 4294967295,
"txid": "88662b68087c3e54b5199c7e874c66521206a1a29d4d900198cd1aa30e6f9379",
"vout": 1
"vout": [
"n": 0,
"scriptPubKey": {
"addresses": [
"asm": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 32ba382cf668657bae15ee0a97fa87f12e1bc89f OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
"hex": "76a91432ba382cf668657bae15ee0a97fa87f12e1bc89f88ac",
"reqSigs": 1,
"type": "pubkeyhash"
"value": 2.872e-05
"n": 1,
"scriptPubKey": {
"addresses": [
"asm": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 06f1b66ffe49df7fce684df16c62f59dc9adbd3f OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
"hex": "76a91406f1b66ffe49df7fce684df16c62f59dc9adbd3f88ac",
"reqSigs": 1,
"type": "pubkeyhash"
"value": 0.01
"vsize": 226
Response is represented by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
error | array | On success, is null |
id | integer | The request number. Always is 1 |
result | array | Transaction information |
Array result are consists by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
blockhash | string | Hash of block |
blocktime | integer | Block creation time |
confirmations | integer | Number of confirmations |
hash | string | Hash of transaction |
hex | string | Hash in hexadecimal |
locktime | integer | Lock time |
size | integer | Transaction size |
time | integer | Time |
txid | string | Transaction ID |
version | integer | Version |
vin | array | Array of inputs |
vout | array | Array of outputs |
vsize | integer | Size |
Array vin are consists by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
scriptSig | array | An array describing the signature script. In coinbase-transactions are missing |
asm | string | Signed decoded script with operation codes, without data |
hex | string | Hex encoded signed script |
sequence | integer | The number of precedence. The number defined for each transaction input, which determines how much time (expressed by the number of 512 second time intervals or the number of blocks) must elapse from the moment the input is confirmed to the moment when the transaction has the opportunity to be accepted on the blockchain |
txid | string | Hash of input |
vout | integer | The output number which the funds were spent. In coinbase-transactions are missing |
Array vout are consists by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
n | integer | Number |
scriptPubKey | array | An array containing public signature information |
addresses | array | Array of addresses used in the transaction |
asm | string | Script of public signature in decoded form with transaction codes, without data |
hex | string | Hex encoded public signature script |
reqSigs | integer | The required number of signatures. Always equal 1. For multisig transaction may be greater than 2 |
type | string | Signature type |
value | double | Output number |
If request parameters is incorrect, then result is null and error array is represented by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
code | integer | Error code |
message | string | Error message |
Request code examples
curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"txhash\":\"0100000001997ae2a654ddb2432ea2fece72bc71d3dbd371703a0479592efae21bf6b7d5100100000000ffffffff01e00f9700000000001976a9142a495afa8b8147ec2f01713b18693cb0a85743b288ac00000000\"}" ""
$CURRENCY = 'btc';
$url = '' . $CURRENCY . '/sendrawtransaction?token=' . $TOKEN;
$POSTparam = ['txhash' => $TXHASH];
$rsh = curl_init();
if ($rsh) {
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($rsh, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($POSTparam) );
if (!$r) {
printf("[E]\t%s (%s)\n", curl_error($rsh), curl_errno($rsh));
} else {
printf("%s\n", $r);
CURRENCY = 'btc';
url = '' + CURRENCY + '/sendrawtransaction?token=' + TOKEN;
fetch(url, {
method: 'post',
body: 'txhash=' + TXHASH})
.then((response) => {
return response.json();
}).then((data) => {
The method sends a transaction in raw format.
Transaction data is transmitted by the POST method.
HTTP request
Query parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description | Request |
CURRENCY | string | - | Currency type - btc, dash, ltc or zec | URI |
txhash | string | - | Serialized and hex encoded raw transaction | POST |
The query result is returned as json format:
Response example
"result": "6d32b5f707ed5dc7272396b1b0410ba5ebaf516b00bbdd726f3863e793186324",
"error": null,
"id": "1"
Response is represented by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
result | string | Transaction hash |
error | array | On success, is null |
id | integer | The request number. Always is 1 |
If request parameters is incorrect, then result is null and error array is represented by the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
code | integer | Error code |
message | string | Error message |